
Sep 16, 2010

Get fit for your wedding in style

I think just about every bride out there goes on a diet before she gets married.  If she doesn't lose the weight she wants by diet and exercise, it may just drop off by stress.

I felt the urge to start on a major diet when I recently went to visit one potential reception site.  The bride and groom were leaving after getting married the night before.  The bride was so flipping thin that I felt like a fatty (and I'm within my weight range for my height).  I turned to my fiance and said... ok if I want to be as thin as bride, starvation mode starts now.

While I was just joking about starving myself.  I do know I'm going to go on a diet at least 6 months before our wedding.  Just as every bride wants to look good at all times, that includes while we are working out. 

Now I have seen some women go to extremes and work out in full makeup. (Gross.  I don't understand how you can have full makeup on while you're sweating all over the place? )  At least what you're wearing should look cute.  To the left you'll see one really cute outfit from the new Bravada Women line.   I just love this workout outfit that Kim Kardashian is wearing.

Women's workout gear is typically so boring and unattractive.  I'm so glad finally there's something out there that's cute and a one size fits all.

Like this look?  Check out the whole line here

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