
Apr 11, 2012

What's your Party personality type?

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 Ever wonder why you struggle planning a party?  Or maybe you wonder why you're so stressed?  If you've ever wondered how to host a better party, you might need to start with figuring out what personality type you are.  You can easily determine the type of personality you have when it comes to planning by the list I've put together of Party Planner personality types.  Which one are you?

Just as every party is unique in its own way, so are the individuals that host them.Once you know what type you are, you can be better prepared in how to handle planning a party.

You can better determine you plan of action with my guide to dealing with your personality type below.

The No-Fuss Party planner:  You're a casual type of person.  You don't like drama, you don't like worrying about the details.  All you want is for your guests to have a good time.  You're idea of setup is throwing on the radio, putting out some cold appetizers and making sure your alcohol is refrigerated.
The Benefits: The relaxed and casual environment is nice for guests and friends.
The Problems:  You have to choose your audience wisely.  You probably can't mix your rowdy friends with your uptight grandparents if it's a BYOB type of party.
The Solution: Hire an event planner for your party.  They can take care of the details you don't want to stress over and can suggest great ideas to keep your party low-fuss but still feel more personalized than just turning on any music and serving basic foods.  It will be the extra touch to make guests feel special and the link that will make mingling between ages and personalities possible.

The Perfectionist:  You have a vision for everything, every little last detail has to be perfect.  You sweat the small stuff and need everything to have your own special touch to it.  The food, music, look, etc. has to match your theme.
The Benefits: guests will feel like they're going to a VIP event every time they show up.  They'll want to come back for more.
The Problems: If you're crafty and great at execution, you should be all set.  However if you're a perfectionist, but can't get the final result to exactly what you want, you'll be disappointed in yourself and the end result.
The Solution: Don't beat yourself up and stress yourself out.  Hire someone that can help with the last minute details or complete the tasks you know you won't have time to do. You'll look like the hero while playing the perfect hostess.

The Budget-ista:  You want to have your party on a budget and will be a slave to DIY ideas to get it.
The Benefits:  The costs are low and you're not breaking the bank to have a great party.
The Problems: You end up stressed to the max.  When you dump all that work on yourself, you feel like you're running around instead of hosting.  You guests could also feel like your party is cold and uninviting since you "cheaped out" on everything.
The Solution:  Limit your DIY projects to a few things.  Figure out a realistic budget beforehand and mark off your top 3 most important items.  Put the bulk of the budget to those things.

The Dreamer:  You have lots of ideas, but don't know how to execute them.  You're totally inspired by all the amazing parties out there and you collect them in a scrapbook, pinterest, etc.
The Benefits:  You have lots of great things to go on and you can show your guests something different they may have never seen before.  It adds interest to a party and gives people something to talk about.
The Problems:  You can't nail down one thing to go on.  You've been so bombarded with ideas, color schemes and other amazing ideas, you're now feeling overwhelmed.
The Solution:  It's highly recommended you get a party planner to help you sift through the ideas and come up with something amazing that you and your guests will love.  If you do try and determine what you'd like yourself, it's advised you lay out your top things and narrow down selections as much as possible.  After you've narrowed it down, ask yourself if your new collection goes well together.

So, have you determined which personality type you are?  When all else fails it's always recommended you seek the help of a party planner.  We can guide you to a party that's uniquely yours and will make you look like the best hostess around!

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