I've dealt with my mother saying I look fat in wedding dresses, to saying my color palettes should change to X to saying that my taste is horrendous.
I'm glad i picked out my gown with my friends rather than my mom; especially after my first try with her met with less than great confidence.
So since she nagged to come to the Bridesmaid dress search, I had her come along. While (thank goodness) she didn't call my bridesmaids fat, she did put in her two cents... and not in a good way. It wasn't a constructive criticism or a maybe you should try this or any sort of support. It was, "You need to pick this dress length, this dress and this dress color". I finally had it and said, "Listen, it's my wedding and I'm going to pick the bridesmaid dress that I think is best." I said to myself,"Maybe I just came across as a bitch in front of my bridesmaids and the whole dress shop, but whatever. She's being really demanding."
Am I out of line? I don't mind her thoughts, but it was like she was making the final decision.
Here is the dress. I loved it because it was glamorous, it worked on the body of all my girls and everyone seemed to like the dress.
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